WebbDictionnaire anglais - français shank tige de boulon industrie mécanique - iate.europa.eu The liner bolt (20) includes a convex annular portion (24) on the end face of the bolt shank and a concave depression (26) in the end face of the bolt shank. Webbshank {substantiv} SV volume_up skänkel gelänk gelänkfjäder fläsklägg stjälk skenben underben Översättningar EN shank {substantiv} volume_up general "shoe" gastronomi botanik anatomi 1. general shank (även: leg) volume_up skänkel {utr.} 2. "shoe" shank volume_up gelänk {utr.} shank volume_up gelänkfjäder {utr.} 3. gastronomi
→ shank, traduction en français, phrases dexemple, anglais - Glosbe
WebbJarret d'agneau braisé à la provençale, couscous aux petits légumes de saison. I love a lamb shank when it is braised. J'adore le jarret d'agneau quand il est braisé. or Roasted … Webbshank noun (plural: shanks) mango m (plural: mangos m) vástago m The shank joins the handle with the tip of the tool. El vástago une el mango con la punta de la herramienta. jarrete m I will buy a lamb shank for Sunday lunch. Compraré un jarrete de cordero para la comida del domingo. pierna f I will buy a lamb shank for our next dinner. involuntary lien
The Benefits of Bolt Shanks - Nord-Lock Group
Webbshank nom (pluriel: shanks) tige f The old key has a hollow shank. La vieille clé possède une tige creuse. jarret m I will buy a veal shank for the next family dinner. J'achèterai un … Webbshank n (narrow, shaftlike part of object) (partie d'un objet) tige nf : This drill bit has a tapered shank. shank n: slang (homemade knife) couteau nm (argot) surin nm : The robber pulled a shank and told him to hand over his wallet. shank n (jewelry: part of ring) … WebbIt features a straight, untapered shank and a blunt end. Cuenta con una caña recta, sin cortes y un extremo romo. The rings shank is adjustable so will fit most adult fingers. La … involuntary loss of employment iloe website